After a lot of pencil work I tried one digital again. Maybe I'll make this one into a digital painting one of these days. But first the design could use some changes
The delivery-mobile. For hovering and flying through the city. Has legs to rest on and can maneuver quicker while on legs. A small step is required to enter and leave the vehicle at the depot. But how will the courier deliver the package in a building then.. I should have designed a door or something
Small flying scooter-mobile. Could be used by police of racers. With turbojet engines instead of turbofan, otherwise the legs of the driver would be sucked towards the engines.
I a time where terrorists and thieves have their hands on radar-technology and where the world's oil-supplyment is scarce oil companies had to create a more stealthier and better armored truck. The oil is divided into 4 sections. When one tank will be shot open the other tanks can remain at full capacity.